Miljönätverket i Linköping delade ut miljöpriser den 7/4 kl 16-18, på LiU. Årets miljöpris hade i år temat Hållbara energilösningar. Tidigare vinnare Askeby trädgård överlämnade tidigare prissumma på 5000 kr till Örtomta GOIS för att bidra till ökat miljöengagemang.
Tack till gästföreläsare Danica Djuric (LiU) som höll en mycket inspirerande föreläsning i temat Hållbar energi.
I samarbete med studentföreningen Navitas, Linköpings kommun och Lejonfastigheter.
Vinnare med motiveringar:
Årets miljöpris
Environmental Prize: PPAM Solkraft
This company has for many years worked with sustainability as the core of their business idea by enabling households and organizations to access clean energy produced in a sustainable way. Thanks to their holistic approach to sustainability, they cover the whole chain from the very start to taking care of the solutions throughout its lifetime. Their work has already made a great positive difference all over Sweden and within the company itself. The company has a promising future with the possibilities to make an even larger impact and lead the way to a more sustainable energy world with their motto “True Sustainability”.
Årets Hållbara hopp
Sustainable Hope: SeaPattern
This is a promising company with a foundation in forming a fair and sustainable world for everyone. The company has a commitment to sustainability through creating access to clean energy in marginalized communities as well as providing a tool to make the future of agricultural practices more advantageous. The company has significant positive impact and should not be understated regarding their efforts to help defend and advance a livable climate and make the world a better place for everyone.
Särskilt omnämnande
Special mentioning: Worldish
With the rate at which change is happening, the world has come to appreciate innovations that enable humans to manage the challenges that come with our changing planet. This company has an important role with their solution in these times of crisis, from the covid-19 pandemic to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The business idea promotes diversity and inclusiveness with the potential to scale to different sectors and countries.